92% Purchase Within Day of Conducting Mobile Research

92% Purchase Within Day of Conducting Mobile Research

Mobile is increasingly becoming the “go-to” device for consumers who are looking to research a product or service they want to buy. These mobile users are moving through the purchase funnel (research to purchase) relatively fast.

According to a new Google study, 92% of people who researched a product/service on mobile made a purchase within a day and 76% visited a related business within a day. Beyond the device, search was the most used source when conducting this research and 87% said they turned to search first.

What makes this behavior even more compelling is that U.S. smartphone penetration of the mobile phone market is around 80%. This mobile-first market is having dramatic impacts on local commerce and advertising — not to mention the measurement and attribution implications.

Data Source

The data comes from the Google/Purchased Digital Diary study, “How Consumers Solve Their Needs in the Moment,” which surveyed 1,000 smartphone users receiving 14,000 responses.

Source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/articles/mobile-search-consumer-behavior-data.html